Science is Vital was extremely concerned that the science budget ring-fence put in place in 2010 was recently brought into question due to budgetary issues elsewhere in BIS. We are therefore relieved to see that decisions announced today ensure that the Government’s 2010 commitment is maintained and the current budget will not be further affected.

Investment in science remains vital for the UK and must be a clear priority now and in the future.

Read the correspondence between BIS and Science is Vital.

Categories: BIS, Campaign, cuts

1 Response to Response to BIS decision to protect the ring fence

  1. Peter Cooper says:

    Making the world a better place is a very worthy goal!

    Science and technology, and all those who carry it’s precious beacon, need everyone’s support, especially those who recognise that the future can be what we make it.

    Wishful thinking is a time well past, this is the time for concerted and effective action!

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