Science is Vital AGM 2012 – Agenda

Christopher Ingold XLG1 Chemistry Lecture Theatre
UCL 13 September 2012

18.00 Chance to sign up for membership, pick up voting* card, buy our fabulous badges (£1 each) and eat cakes!
Please be in your seats by 18.25, as the first speaker will start promptly

Opening Remarks
18.30-18.35 Welcome (Jennifer Rohn, Chair, Science is Vital)
18.35- 18.45 Colin Blakemore (Oxford)
18.45-18.55 Imran Khan (CaSE)

AGM proper (Chair, Jenny Rohn)
Business 19.00-19.30
Opening remarks (Jenny Rohn) (2 min)
Secretary’s report, Constitution (Richard Grant) (5 min)
Treasurer’s Report (Shane McCracken) (5 min)
Membership Report (Della Thomas) (5 min)
Voting Executive Committee and 2 Ordinary Member slost* (5 min)

Creative 19.35-20.40
Present and future activities – group discussion (chair: Evan Harris, Vice-Chair)
Please come armed with all your ideas for what you think SiV should do in the coming year!

20.40 Entertainment: Helen Arney, award-winning comedian
20.55 Closing remarks (Stephen Curry, Vice-Chair)
21.00 Decant to Jeremy Bentham Pub (Upstairs; 31 University Street, WC1E 6JL)

*All full members of Science is Vital (those who have donated £3.14 or more to the campaign since SiV’s inception in 2010) will have voting rights. Others are welcome but will not have a vote. You can become a member on the night if you aren’t already, for just £3.14 – just look for Della Thomas’s table at reception