Science is Vital announces its first AGM, which will be held on 13 September 2012. This is your chance to get more closely involved in what we do. The AGM comes at a crucial time for UK science. We are currently gearing up to lobby the Government to renew its commitment to science in its next Spending Review, currently projected by The Campaign for Science and Engineering to take place early, in 2013. As the economy is still struggling, we are worried that the Government might look to science for making convenient cuts and, working together with other organisations and campaign groups, we want to do everything possible to make sure this doesn’t happen. At the AGM we will collectively decide how to prepare for this extremely important challenge and discuss other issues that our membership feels are important.

Details about the AGM

Date: 13 Sept, 2012
Time: 6.30 — 10 PM
Place: Christopher Ingold XLG1 Chemistry Lecture Theatre, Christopher Ingold Building, UCL, 20 Gordon Street, London WC1H 0AJ
Agenda: In addition to the formal AGM, we will have a line-up of interesting speakers and entertainers, plus food and a cash bar, so it should be a fun evening.

All full members of Science is Vital (those who have donated £3.14 or more to the campaign since 13 September 2011) will have voting rights. Others are welcome but will not have a vote.

Space is limited: please RSVP as soon as you can using this link:

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