Over 35,000 people have signed our petition so far. With the help of Mike Little and the fine folk at mySociety we have analysed the list of postcodes to find out which MPs’ constituencies are best represented.  Perhaps it might be worth dropping a line to your MP to let them know how many other of their constituents have signed the petition. Perhaps that might encourage them to attend the lobby tomorrow.

Categories: News

9 Responses to Whose constituents signed the petition?

  1. Joao Gouveia says:

    Education is the only form to guarantee progress and justice. Funds should be cut from the war account and not the education account.

    Do the right thing, do courage, fight for what is right

  2. Alice Fuller says:

    This is a really useful tool, I’ve just written to my MP letting him know that 132 people have signed it and asking if he agrees

  3. Chris Robinson says:

    reply from Bob Walters MP included this statement “In the current economic climate, there is no justification for public money being used to support research that is neither commercially useful nor theoretically outstanding.”

    Having a son who is a theoretica physcis and starting his first year as a postgraduate you wonder what will be waiting for him in 3-4 years time

  4. rpg says:

    Bob Walters, eh…?

  5. Phil Evans says:

    To the 32 people in my constituency (Bosworth) who signed: did any of you write to David Tredinnick, and did he reply? I wrote – no reply yet. On the plus side, I also wrote to Michael Mullaney, the Lib Dem who came second to Terdinnick in the General Election, and he replied, signed the petition, and promised to contact the party leadership on the matter.

  6. Hannah says:

    Hmm so who suspects that we are just getting a form email back from the lovely MP folk. Bob Walters seems to have used the exact same line that Mr James Arbuthnot, believer in science cuts sent to me:

    “That is why the Government preference is to ration research funding by excellence and back research teams of international quality – and screen out mediocrity – regardless of where they are and what they do. In the current economic climate, there is no justification for public money being used to support research which is neither commercially useful nor theoretically outstanding.”

    The rest of the email contained mainly business speak and buzzwords, and to my mind no actual content except a rehash of the above statement, while trying to reassure me that cuts won’t affect the UK’s ability to carry out world class science and that it can’t possibly harm the economy to cut research.

  7. Michael Taggart says:

    rpg says:

    “Bob Walters, eh…?”

    Lest we forget the high principles of our law makers:


  8. Bobbie Nichols says:

    Reply from Nicola Blackwood MP (Conservative, Oxford West and Abingdon) also contained the statement “In the current economic climate, it is difficult to justify public money being used to support research which is neither commercially useful nor theoretically outstanding” preceded by a comment abot “screening out mediocrity”. Looks as if the Tories have been given a template to work from – how pathetic! Has anyone else received a simply reply from their Tory or LibDem MP?

  9. Bobbie Nichols says:

    ‘Simply’ in my comment above should read ‘similar’

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