The following organizations endorse the Science is Vital campaign:

Society for Applied Microbiology
Association of Medical Research Charities
Association for Science Education
The Biochemical Society
The Society of Biology
Breakthrough Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer Campaign
British Ecological Society
The British Heart Foundation
British Humanist Association
British Pharmacological Society
British Psychological Society
British Science Association
British Society for Immunology
The Cambridge Technology Community
Cancer Research UK
Society for Endocrinology & BioScientifica
Society for Experimental Biology
Faculty of 1000
The Society for General Microbiology
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Kidney Research UK
University of Leicester
The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Motor Neurone Disease Association
Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine
The Physiological Society
Royal Astronomical Society
Trades Union Congress
The Wellcome Trust
Zoological Society of London

And many thanks to the following for financial support of the campaign:

The Physiological Society

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